Temple Israel

William Lubelsky

Henry Lubelsky

Very few references can be found for the Lubelsky [1] family in Leadville. Two members of this family, William and Henry, appear in the 1879 and 1880 city directories at 500 West Chestnut Street [2] with no occupations listed, [3] and no records have been found in Leadville after 1880.

1 According to an Hebrew genealogy website, Lubelsky is Hebrew name of Slavic origin, most of whom migrated to South America.
2 WM Clark, WA Root And HC Anderson. “Clark, Root and Co’s First Annual City Directory of Leadville and Business Directory of Carbonateville, Kokomo and Malta for 1879”. Daily Times Steam Printing House And Book Manufactory; Denver, CO: USA. 1879. P235.
3 TB Corbett, WC Hoye and JH Ballenger. “Corbet, Hoye and Co’s First Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City Of Leadville for 1880”. Democrat Printing Company; Leadville, CO: USA. 1880. P99.


Clark, WM, Root WA and Anderson, HC. “Clark, Root and Co’s First Annual City Directory of Leadville and Business Directory of Carbonateville, Kokomo and Malta for 1879”. Daily Times Steam Printing House And Book Manufactory; Denver, CO: USA. 1879.

Corbett, TB, Hoye, WC and Ballanger, JH. “Corbet, Hoye and Co’s First Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City Of Leadville for 1880”. Democrat Printing Company; Leadville, CO: USA. 1880.


To cite any of the information in this biography, please use the following reference.

AUTHOR: Jeffrey P. Grant
EDITOR: William Korn
SOURCE: Jewish Surnames/Lubelsky
PUBLISHED BY: Temple Israel Foundation. Leadville, CO; USA. 2018.
STABLE URL: http://www.jewishledville.org/lubelsky.html

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208 West 8th Street
Leadville, Colorado 80461

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201 West 4th Street
Leadville, Colorado 80461

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SW Corner of Evergreen Cemetery
North end of James Street, Leadville
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